Ensuring your business is not just tax compliant but as tax efficient as possible is an ongoing challenge. You may be struggling with iXBRL tagging, trying to establish robust processes around Senior Accounting Officer or developing a tax strategy in the light of Brexit.

RBS provides specialist corporate tax and business tax advice. Our expertise runs from advice on Senior Accounting Officer process, tax risk and strategy to tax compliance and reporting to R&D tax credits and Venture Capital tax reliefs. Our senior tax specialists combine first rate technical knowledge with broad commercial experience. They are driven by helping our clients’ business achieve success and growth.

Our clients appreciate our personable and professional service delivering accurate, authoritative tax advice and guidance. They rely on us to solve tax issues quickly and efficiently whatever the size of their company. As the UK Member Firm of RBS International, we are part on a global network that delivers corporate tax advice wherever it is needed.

The range of services that our Corporate Tax specialists provide includes;
• Tax risk and strategy
• Senior Accounting Officer
• M&A Tax services
• Tax compliance and Reporting
• iXBRL services
• R&D Tax credits
• Venture capital tax reliefs
Whatever corporate tax challenge or issue you are facing we have the experience and the knowledge you need. Talk to us today about how we can help.